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Monday, March 21, 2011

finding the lost!

this is a follow up to my previous post.

  i was previously discussing how we lose touch with people who used to mean the world to us. Well, i can't believe im gonna say this, but thank god for facebook, i think? lol one of the two people i used to spend countless around doing absolutely nothing with and loving every minute of it, "hit me up" on fb and informed that she no longer had my phone number, and she just realized. so I, being the most amazing person that i am, texted my careless friend and by doing so gave her my number so we could get together later that night with my second best friend.
   i needed a ride to the bar we were going to so i decided to text my second friend and ask if she could pick me up on her way. To my disappointed surprise, she didn't know who i was, because didn't she like my first best friend, did not have my number either : (  
   for some unknown reason, i could not figure out why this bothered me as much as it did. was it because after almost more than 3 years i was the only one out of the three us to still have each other's numbers? or because i didn't think it was possible that my two best friends could forget me so easily? what every it was, i didn't like it. i decided that all though the loss of my number by friends upset me, i still wanted to see them. see how they changed. see how they're lives were different now than from when we were last together.
       and in the end, i did enjoy myself, except for the fact that i had to be home early because i had work in the morning : / even though my friends changed, ALOT! i still enjoyed being together again with them and reminiscing and laughing and just enjoying each others' company. and eve hope will do it again real soon!! : D

Saturday, March 19, 2011

longing for the lost?

are we really all that different than how we were? just three short years ago, they were the closets people i had in my life, aside from my family when i was in the mood to tolerate them. but how can it be that people drift apart? life really isn't that stressful or complicated or distracting that we lose touch with the people that at one point meant the world to us, is it? perhaps its just myself who feels that those people have different priorities than i do. maybe they actually know where they're going in life, and im just not part of it. i blame facebook to be quite honest. if it wasn't for that stalkers-in-training website, i probably wouldn't be writing this right now.  people move away, grow up, mature, i get that. its all over my computer screen. its almost like a disease, in which i uncontrollably scroll for countless hours reading two lines "status updates" about those people's lives. i can't completely blame fb; i mean i am the one who "friended" them. but  it's only because that's what they originally were, my friends. so how/when/where did we go from being best friends to strangers almost? i need to solve this great mystery if for nothing else, my own sanity. is it because they have their own lives, lives that are legitimately their own, that they created for themselves. or because things change and life is never what we think it is. or perhaps, its that saying: "out of sight, out of mind," which seems to define my life, that is the cause for all this puzzlement in my brain.  if i only knew the answer. but what is it? what can it be? why do i care? why all of the sudden am i so worried about what these people are doing with their lives? clearly i'm no longer in theirs for a reason, right?