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Monday, May 23, 2011

little simples

    well today is monday and that usually means everyone is miserable and yearning for the weekend to start again. However, this monday was definitely one of the best that I've had in a while! In case you are unaware of today's significance, it is 5†23†11, the release date for Lady GaGa's brand new album, "Born This Way"!!!! I have been waiting for today for what feels like forever!!!! I'm tickled pinker than you can believe that today has finally arrived! My best friend in the entire world, and myself went to Target to pick up a copy of this musical genius!! and it was only 10 bucks, WIN!! And we both unknowingly wore the exact same Lady GaGa shirt and black hoodie with matching black leggings haha I felt like I was 5 again dressing to match my best friend. And it didn't bother either one of us that we were matching head to toe lol It was funny, actually. As soon as we each purchased our own copies of our audio bibles, we played the CD through its entirety until we reach  the restaurant we were going to have lunch at. Its an awesome Mexican style restaurant that is decorated like a fiesta everyday! and the food is literally amazing! PLUS, they offer vegetarian dishes!(Another WIN!!) Lunch was delicious, just like we expected it to be. We talked about the usual; family, school, work or lack-there-of lol and we finalized our plans to see The Hangover 2 at midnight on Wednesday! This week is definitely out weighing all the stressfulness that has also arrived at my front door but that's another post lol
     Also, so more random news, I had to send my beautiful acoustic-electric guitar out to be fixed in the middle of April and I just got it back today! I've been so restless without it! Usually when a song idea pops into my head i strum it out on my guitar, or to relieve stress, sadness, anger, etc... Its been the most stressful, sad, anger moth without my guitar! I;m so glad to have it back, But its not the same exact guitar, they sent me a completely brand new guitar, same style but updated! and the black wood has sparkles in it!  eep!! I was sooo excited when my dad brought it home tonight! I've been playing it nonstop! 
     I guess its the little simples, as i like to call them, that truly make life worth it! Enjoy the rest of your week everyone and have a super awesome memorial day weekend!! 


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Hi all!! Thanks bunches for leaving your lovely little thoughts behind! I just absolutely love to read what you all have to say; your comments always make me smile : D
