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Monday, May 9, 2011

30 Day DETOX: Mind + Body

    I was just over at Kaelah Bee's blog, Little Chief Honeybee, and she had just posted about a 30 day Detox of the mind and body. I was reading her post and thought to myself, "This is definitely something I should do!" I am currently going through a lifestyle change, by means of what I eat and being more active. I'm only 21 years young and I'm definitely not where I should be health wise. So I'm in the process of fixing it lol And seeing Kaelah's post has motivated me  even more to maintain a healthier life style permanently! 
     So what I have for you today little bloggers, is to join in and take the vow to have a better, happy, and healthier mind and body in 30 days! And its quite simple to follow!! All you have to do is keep a positive mind frame for 30 days!! That's is it! Now I know sometimes it can be difficult to be positive because there are a lot of us going through some really hard times be it may financially, pyshically, the poor job market, of just life itself! But any time you find yourself feeling down, or being negative towards another person, whether its face-to-face or on the internet, just think a positive thought or even a happy memory and turn that frown, upside down!! It may be difficult at first, but after a few days it'll become second nature!!!
     As for the body side of this pledge, this may be the hardest part for eveyone(or maybe just myself lol) I find myself avoding "working out" as much as possible. I will do anything to distract myself from excerising! I don't know what it is, I just hate doing it! lol Maybe its the actually having to motivate one's self to excerise. But here's some simple ways to get active! Have a pet? Then take the adorable animal for a walk around the block, they'll love you even more and you be loving yourself more! Have stair? walk up and down those babies a few time and you'll love the results of your behind!! Have bike? This weather is to beautiful to not be outside riding it, so go ahead an ride aroung town for an hour! These are just a few of MANY ways that you can become more active within thirty days!! And no gym membership is required!! Sounds like a plan to me! 
Do you plan on taking the 30 Day Detox: Mind + Body? Let me know, I'd love to here about your experience with it and share some stories!! 
Comment or email at!

Head over to kaelahbee's blog, Little Chief Honeybee to get a sweet "30 day DETOX: Mind + Body" button to post on your own blog!!

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Hi all!! Thanks bunches for leaving your lovely little thoughts behind! I just absolutely love to read what you all have to say; your comments always make me smile : D
