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Monday, April 16, 2012

My First Ever Blog Design...

Hi all!! What a stellar start to my week...I just got done with my first ever(!!!) Blog Design!!!!! I'm super excited about this because it's something I've been teaching myself to do for my own blog for a couple of years now and to actually have someone want me to create a layout for their blog is such an honor[no, like really though, it is]. To make the matter even more amazing, I was asked to do this by my very good friend of many years, Kristyn. She is the sweetest, caring, most insightful person I have ever met and I love her to the moon and back for giving me the opportunity to design my first layout for someone other than myself. 

Here's what Kristyn's brand new layout looks like! Make sure to give her blog, The Rise of a Novelist a visit. It's chalk full of super awesome DIYs, great Book Reviews and tons more lovely bits and bobs!!! I'm positively positive that you'll love what Kristyn has going on in her corner of the Internet.

And of course, if any of you need/want a blog redesign, I'd be more than happy to do one for you!! Just leave a comment below or even send me an email:!

Happy Monday!!


1 comment:

  1. I seriously cannot get over my amazing blog design! I keep going to my own page just to look at it! You're the best and I can't thank you enough! Anyone who needs a blog makeover email her ! She's great!! :)


Hi all!! Thanks bunches for leaving your lovely little thoughts behind! I just absolutely love to read what you all have to say; your comments always make me smile : D
