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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

name change.. again!

     I'm really sorry about being so annoying with these name change posts! I swear I never meant to intentionally go through all these blog name changes! But I just didn't really feel like the previous two blog titles really related what my blog is about. So I finally changed it to one that i am positive is going to stick!! 
    The NEW title for my blog is: "my (Garden State) of mind" I absolutely love it!! I really wanted a name that described me and what my blog is all about so that anyone who stumbles upon it has some sort of idea as to what my blog has to offer. So obviously being a jersey girl, and living in new jersey since before i was born lol I knew that this title was perfect for me! (Sorry, again, for this very messy post by the way! I'm in a bit of a hurry and I just really wanted to explain the name change for everyone before i forgot too!)
     This is it! the name that will stay! I'm soo excited for this! I was looking over my blog right after i finalized all the changes that go along with  the title change, and I have to say I have never loved/been more proud of my blog before in my life! lol that's a little extreme sounding, but its so true! I can't wait to keep you all updated on my everyday nonsense here in Jersey!


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Hi all!! Thanks bunches for leaving your lovely little thoughts behind! I just absolutely love to read what you all have to say; your comments always make me smile : D
