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Thursday, July 29, 2010

daily photo!

foreshadowing of what's to come this weekend!

watching shutter island. I hear it's insAnely amazing!

Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

sushi for dinner.. yummy!

this is my daily photo, well two photos. as expected, i've been lacking with the whole daily photo thing soo tonight i give you two photos to view. it seemed fitting for these to be my pictures of choice because i heart sushi mucho! its the best cuisine ever created and i thank to japanese and their creativity for creating such exquisite food to eat.. nom nom yummy!

Friday, July 23, 2010

i MUST-stache this necklace!!
take this quiz, it's rather interesting...

i'm going to take it myself and share my result with all of you...
this kid is amazing at what he does. he inspires soo many people to spread peace and love each other. definitely one of my biggest heros.

Friday, July 16, 2010

my favorite little brother at the lovely age of two, how adorable! ahh, if we could only stay young forever...
for my first of hopefully many picture posts, i scoured through all the pictures saved on my mom's desktop and i came across this beautiful photo of my dad and uncle when they were quite little. i love this.. i dont think i could of pick a better first.

first post!! eep!!

soooo lovely little cupcakes... this is officially my very first post on my very first official blog : D

i've decided that im not going write endless posts on this thing but rather post pictures throughout the day that i want to share with anyone who is gracious enough to view my pathetic little blog. sooo after this randomly random post i think I'll post my first photo ever : )